This makeup obsession...
So, guys..... I have a problem.
I feel like I need to go out and just buy makeup every week. Do I need to? No. Have I used the palettes that I've bought in the past 2 weeks? No. BUT STILL!!! I'm stocking up man!!!
Anyways, there are a few products that have made my summertime skin wonderful (as wonderful as it can get anyways... doesn't happen very often).
Something that I have used in place of my normal foundation (Covergirl 3 in 1) is the Rimmel 9 in 1 BB cream....
What is up with my #(s) in 1 stuff to put on my face?
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This stuff is AMAZING. The claim is that it "primes, moisturizes, minimizes pores, conceals, covers, smoothes, mattifies, brightens and helps protect." And honestly, it pretty much does that! I love the texture of it; it feels just like putting a moisturizer on your face except it does not leave it greasy AT ALL. In fact I don't feel like I HAVE TO set the BB Cream once I've rubbed it in on my face because it really is a pretty matte foundationish. The coverage is great, the lasting power is great- ITS JUST GREAT! I used it everyday at the beach so I could get my skin looking normal ANNNDDDD protect from sun because it has a 25 spf.
$7. Worth every penny. Probably worth more.
After I graduated, I pretty much wasn't home for 2 weeks straight. I housesat for a friend for a week starting the day after graduation and left from there to go to the beach with my girl friends for another week. Needless to say, my summer started out with a bang!
While housesitting, I went out to my favorite little town (Davidson, NC) to a restaurant that I had never been to. Italian, of course. It is called Campania and I. LOVE. IT. You walk in and it has this rustic, chic vibe going on. Its a small restaurant but still has that classy feel to it. The tables are dressed in nice black with the wine glasses for your water and the servers dressed in proper waiting attire. I went for lunch and it seemed the place was filled with important people off the lake. You would think such a classy place would have been more expensive, but the lunch menu was actually pretty reasonable.
I had a Caesar salad- which had a twist of roasted red peppers in it- DELISH. Then for dessert I had Hazelnut Biscotti Gelato... wasn't my favorite gelato, but if you are a person who doesn't really like SWEET sweets, then you would like it. I prefer rich food haha.

Back at home, I have spent my time swimming, shopping, laying around eating (BAD MICHAELA) and babysitting. Unfortunately, Statesville, NC the past 2 weeks has switched weather conditions with Seattle, Washington. It has been raining NONSTOP which seems to always make me depressed. Nevertheless, I have kept my head held high and stop any inclination of depression with SHOPPING.... because shopping heals the spirit.... right?!
And then.....
My family and I went on a roadtrip to the mountains this past Sunday to the highest peak around here called Mount Mitchell. There, we participated in a family devotion we're doing out of the book Radical by David Platt. I will warn anyone who is interested in David Platt's writings that it is some tough truths to swallow. I fought back tears throughout the entire devotion mainly because Platt challenges the reader to truly become radical for Christ, as this is what the Bible says Christ calls for, and I was convicted. The things he was saying seemed impossible to me.
To be truly radical, you give up YOUR WHOLE LIFE. Your dreams, your aspirations, your wants, even your family-- just to live wholly for Christ and portray the true Jesus to the world.
It is something that I struggle with because I hold so tight to my dreams. And in all honesty, my dreams are often placed higher than God's will for my life. I want with all my heart to be able to go to France and Italy and experience things different than I normally do. However, what I learned Sunday was that Christ has an experience MUCH GREATER than any experience I can have as a tourist in Europe-- to truly be able to experience HIM.
I started reading another David Platt selection called Follow Me. This book, as well, really caused me to question alot of things. It has really put into perspective the fact that there are tons of people who claim to be a Christian that in retrospect are actually lost. And after reading the first 10 pages of Follow Me, there were faces of people I love that I began to question their salvation.
Platt tells a story of a boy named John who was subjected to the concept of Hell while watching an episode of Tom and Jerry. So the guy goes to talk to someone at his church about it and ends up being told "If you don't want to go to Hell, you need to pray this prayer to accept Jesus as your Savior." The kid ends up praying the prayer that the church man tells him to pray and is told that he is saved and never has to worry about Hell again. But this was nothing but a "get-out-of-Hell" free-card and the kid knew nothing about Jesus- His story, His sacrifice, His true call to our lives....
"Yet this story represents deception that has spread like wildfire across the contemporary Christian landscape. Just ask Jesus into your heart. Simply invite Christ into your life. Repeat this prayer after me, and you will be saved. Should it alarm us that the Bible never mentions such a prayer? Should it concern us that nowhere in Scripture is anyone ever told to "ask Jesus into their heart" or to "invite Christ into their life?"
-Follow Me
And I thought back to when I was a child accepting Christ as my savior. Until this week, I had no idea that Christ wants so much out of me. As a 7 year old little girl, I just knew Jesus died for me so I could have eternal life and wouldn't have to go to Hell. I could feel the pounding in my little heart, and I have felt His calling in my life and felt His spirit with me everyday since that moment... But if I had known those stories in the Bible as a child about leaving your treasures, your family, YOUR ENTIRE LIFE behind to follow Christ, I would have been more hesitant to accept His salvation. That is what makes reading these books so hard--- I feel convicted about having dreams of worldly travels rather than having dreams of doing the will of Christ.
"The only thing that's required of you is a one-time decision for Christ, and you don't have to worry about his commands, his standards, or his glory after making that decision. You now have a ticket to heaven, and your sin, whether manifested in self-righteousness or self-induglence, will be tolerated along the way. But this is not the way of Jesus. He beckons us down a hard road, and the word Jesus uses for 'hard' is associated with pain, pressure, tribulation, and persecution. The way of Jesus is hard to follow, and it's hated by many."
I read these words and was torn apart.
Do I really follow Christ?
Is there anyone that really follows Christ when held to these standards?
Is this even attainable?
What about my dreams then? Are they useless? Are they so selfish I should leave them?
Are my friends that have been "saved" yet live in their sin really saved?
And my heart begins to break.
As I continue to read through this series, I pray my questions are answered!
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